Vous trouverez ici le Corps Diplomatique de Tachkent
Pour de plus amples Informations, veuillez contacter le Ministère des Affaires étrangères de la République d’Ouzbékistan.
- Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
Batumskaya str., cottage 1, Tashkent
Tel.: +99871 2267380; +99871 2267390
Fax: +99871 2266949
E-Mail: afghanemb_tashkent@yahoo.com; tashkent@mfa.af - People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria
Miroqilov str., 41, Tashkent
Tel.: +99871 2815054; +99871 2815565
Fax: +99871 1206180
E-Mail: ambassade@algerie.uz
Web: www.algerie.uz - Republic of Azerbaijan
Shark Tongi str., 25, Tashkent
Tel.: +99871 2078010
Fax: +99871 2078009
E-Mail: tashkent@mission.mfa.gov.az
Web: www.tashkent.mfa.gov.az - People’s Republic of Bangladesh
H.Suleymanov str., 56-58, Tashkent
Tel.: +99871 2556520; +99871 2551971
Fax: +99871 1206711
E-Mail: mission.tashkent@mofa.gov.bd
Web: www.bangladeshembtashkent.uz - Republic of Belarus
Y.Gulamov str., 75, Tashkent
Tel.: +99871 1207511; +99871 1207256
Fax: +99871 1207253
E-Mail: uzbekistan@mfa.gov.by
Web: www.uzbekistan.mfa.gov.by - Republic of Bulgaria
Rakatboshi str., 52, Tashkent
Tel.: +99871 2564888
Fax: +99871 2554017
E-Mail: Embassy.Tashkent@mfa.bg,
Web: www.mfa.bg/embassies/uzbekistan - People’s Republic of China
Y.Gulamov str., 79, Tashkent
Tel.: +99871 2338088; +99871 2334735
Fax: +99871 2360851
E-Mail: chinaemb@albatros.uz; uz@mofcom.gov.cn - Czech Republic
Navnihol str., 6, Tashkent
Tel.: +99871 1206071
Fax: +99871 1206075
E-Mail: tashkent@mzv.cz
Web: www.mzv.cz/tashkent - Arab Republic of Egypt
Kokhinur str,, 10/53, Tashkent
Tel.: +99871 1206021; +99871 1205008
Fax: +99871 1205009
E-Mail: egyptemb@rambler.ru - The Delegation of the European Union
Amir Temur str., 107 B, IBC 15th floor, Tashkent
Tel.: +99871 1201601; +99871 1201602
Fax: +99871 1201608
E-Mail: delegation-uzbekistan@eeas.europa.eu - Federal Republic of Germany
Sh.Rashidov str., 15, Tashkent
Tel.: +99871 1208440
Fax: +99871 1208450
E-Mail: info@taschkent.diplo.de
Web: www.taschkent.diplo.de - French Republic
Istiqbol str., 25, Tashkent
Tel.: +99871 2335382; +99871 2335384
Fax: +99871 2335197
E-Mail: cad.tachkent@diplomatie.gouv.fr; consulat.tachkent-amba@diplomatie.gouv.fr
Web: www.ambafrance-uz.org - Georgia
Firdavsiy str., 7, Tashkent
Tel.: +99871 2358680
Fax: +99871 2358680
E-Mail: tashkent.emb@mfa.gov.ge
Web: www.uzbekistan.mfa.gov.ge - The Holy See (Vatican)
Musakhanov str., 80/1, Tashkent
Tel.: +99871 2337035
Fax: +99871 2337025
E-Mail: nun.ap@mail.ru - Hungary
Bogiravon str., 63-65, Tashkent
Tel.: +99871 2307182; +99871 2307183
Fax: +99871 2266502
E-Mail: mission.tas@mfa.gov.hu - Republic of India
Kara-Bulak str., 15/16, Tashkent
Tel.: +99871 1400997; +99871 1400983
Fax: +99871 1400987; +99871 1400999
E-MaiL: indiaemb@buzton.com; emb.tashkent@mea.gov.in
Web: www.eoi.gov.in/tashkent/ - Republic of Indonesia
Y.Gulamov str., 73, Tashkent
Tel.: +99871 2320236; +99871 2320237
Fax: +99871 1206540; +99871 2330513
E-Mail: unitkom@kbri-tashkent.go.id
Web: www.kbri-tashkent.go.id - Islamic Republic of Iran
Parkent str., 20, Tashkent
Tel.: +99871 1506065; +99871 1506050
Fax: +99871 1506066
E-Mail: iriemuz@hotmail.com
Web: www.tashkent.mfa.ir - The State of Israel
A.Kahhar str., 3A, Tashkent
Tel.: +99871 1205808; +99871 1205809; +99871 1205810; +99871 1205811
Fax: +99871 1205994
E-Mail: operator@tashkent.mfa.gov.il
Web: www.tashkent.mfa.gov.il - Italian Republic
Yusuf Khos Khojib str., 40, Tashkent
Tel.: +99871 2521119; +99871 1206605
Fax: +99871 1206606
E-Mail: segreteria.tashkent@esteri.it - Japan
S.Azimov str., 28, Tashkent
Tel.: +99871 1208060
Fax: +99871 1208075
E-Mail: homepage@embjapan.buzton.com
Web: www.uz.emb-japan.go.jp - The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Farkhad str., 9, Tashkent
Tel.: +99871 2742479; +99871 2742833
Fax: +99871 1401144
E-Mail: jordanembuzb@mail.ru - Republic of Kazakhstan
Chekhov str., 23, Tashkent
Tel.: +99871 2521654
Fax: +99871 2521650
E-Mail: info@kazembassy.uz - Republic of Korea
Afrosiab avenue 7, Tashkent
Tel.: +99871 2523151; +99871 2523152
Fax: +99871 1400248
E-Mail: admin1@korea.anet.uz - State of Kuwait
Batumskaya str. 2, Tashkent
Tel.: +99871 1291037
Fax: +99871 1291037
E-Mail: kuw-uz@hotmail.com - Kyrgyz Republic
Niyozbek yuli str. 30, Tashkent
Tel.: +99871 2374794
Fax: +99871 1207294
E-Mail: kg.embassy.uz@gmail.com
Web: www.kgembassy.uz - The Republic of Latvia
Lashkarbegi str. 16А, Tashkent
Tel.: +99871 2372215; +99871 2370851
Fax: +99871 1207036
E-Mail: embassy.uzbekistan@mfa.gov.lv
Web: www.latvia.uz - Malaysia
Bog Saroy str. 28, Tashkent
Tel.: +99871 2563027; +99871 2563299
Fax: +99871 2523071
E-Mail: maltskent@mail.ru
Web: www.kln.gov.my - Sultanate of Oman
Mohlaroyim str. 49, Tashkent
Tel.: +99871 1400533; +99871 2561207
Fax: +99871 1400529
E-Mail: tashkent@mofa.gov.om - Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Kichik halka yo‘li str. 15, Tashkent
Tel.: +99871 2280525; +99871 2482173
Fax: +99871 1204921
E-Mail: pareptashkent@gmail.com - The State of Palestine
Konstitutsiya str. 19, Tashkent
Tel.: +99871 2549418; +99871 2156230
Fax: +99871 2544148
E-Mail: uz.palemb@gmail.com - The Republic of Poland
Firdavsiy str. 66, Tashkent
Tel.: +99871 1208650; +99871 1208652
Fax: +99871 1208651
E-Mail: taszent.amb.sekretariat@msz.gov.pl; uztasamb@msz.gov.pl
Web: www.taszkent.polemb.net - Russian Federation
Nukus str. 83, Tashkent
Tel.: +99871 1203502; +99871 1203504
Fex: +99871 1203509; +99871 1203518
E-Mail: embassy@russia.uz; consul@russia.uz
Web: www.russia.uz - Romania
Redjametova str. 44A, Tashkent
Tel.: +99871 2526355; +99871 2526888
Fax: +99871 1207567
E-Mail: romanian_embassy@sarkor.uz - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Babur str. 3A, Tashkent
Tel.: +99871 2815101; +99871 2815104
Fax: +99871 2815106; +99871 2815108
Web: mail.mofa.gov.sa/exchange - Slovak Republic
Kichik Beshyogoch str. 38, Tashkent
Tel.: +99871 1206852; +99871 2555565
Fax: +99871 1206851
E-Mail: emb.tashkent@mzv.sk
Web: www.mzv.sk/tashkent - Republic of Tajikistan
A.Kakhar str. 61, Tashkent
Tel.: +99871 2156775; +99871 2549966
Fax: +99871 2548969
E-Mail: tajembuz@mfa.tj - Republic of Turkey
Ya.Gulamov str. 87, Tashkent
Tel.: +99871 1130300; +99871 1130343
Fax: +99871 1130333
E-Mail: embassy.tashkent@mfa.gov.tr; turemb@bcc.com.uz - Turkmenistan
Afrosiab avenue 19, Tashkent
Tel.: +99871 2569402; +99871 2569406
Fax: +99871 2569403
E-Mail: tmtashkent@gmail.com - Ukraine
Y.Gulamov str. 68, Tashkent
Tel.: +99871 2335280; +99871 2339971
Fax: +99871 2331089
E-Mail: ukremb@albatros.uz; emb_uz@mfa.gov.ua
Web: www.mfa.gov.ua/uzbekistan - Swiss Confederation
Shota Rustaveli str. 1/4, Tashkent
Tel.: +99871 1206738; +99871 1206740
Fax: +99871 1206259; +99871 1205456
E-Mail: tas.vertretung@eda.admin.ch; tas.visa@eda.admin.ch (visa)
Web: www.eda.admin.ch/tashkent - The United Arab Emirates
Ispanskaya str. 38, Tashkent
Tel.: +99871 1400007; +99871 1401116
Fax: +99871 1401113
E-Mail: uaeembassyuz@yahoo.com - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Y.Gulamov str. 67, Tashkent
Tel.: +99871 1201500
Fax: +99871 1201520
E-Mail: ukin.uzbekistan@fco.gov.uk
Web: www.gov.uk/government/world/uzbekistan - United States of America
Maykurgan str. 3, Tashkent
Tel.: +99871 1205450
Fax: +99871 1402124
Web: www.uzbekistan.usembassy.gov - The Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Sh.Rashidov str. 100, Tashkent
Tel.: +99871 2356493; +99871 2358672
Fax: +99871 1206265
E-Mail: vnemb.uzbek@yahoo.com; vnemb.uz@mofa.gov.vn