Tajikistan, Geschichte Tadschikistans zwischen 1991-1996, Diplomatisches Korps in Dushanbe, Diplomatic Corps in Dushanbe, Corps Diplomatique de Douchanbé, Corpo diplomatico a Dushanbe, Дипломатический корпус в Душанбе, Diplomatische Vertretungen Tadschikistans, Diplomatic missions of Tajikistan, Missions diplomatiques du Tadjikistan, Missioni diplomatiche del Tagikistan, Дипломатические представительства Таджикистана, History of Tajikistan between 1991-1996, Histoire du Tadjikistan 1991-1996, Storia del Tagikistan tra il 1991-1996, История Таджикистана в 1991-1996 годах

Missions diplomatiques du Tadjikistan

Vous trouverez ici les missions diplomatiques du Tadjikistan à l’étranger

Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez contacter le Ministère des Affaires étrangères de la République du Tadjikistan.

  1. The United States of America
    Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary – Farhod Salim
    Address: 1005 New Hampshire Avenue, NW Washington, D.C., 20037
    Tel.: (1202) 223 60 90
    Fax: (1202) 223 60 91
    Web-site: http://www.tjus.org/
    E-mail: tajikistan@verizon.net
  2. Austrian Republic
    Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary – Ismatullo Nasredinov
    Address: Universitatstr. 8/1a, 1090 Vienna, Austria
    Tel.: (+43-1) 409 82 66
    Fax: (+43-1) 409 82 66 14 , 409 82 66 21
    Web-site: http://tajikembassy.at/
    E-mail: tajikembassy@chello.at
  3. Federal Republic of Germany
    Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary – Sattorov Imomudin Mirzoevich
    Address: Perlebergerstr. 43, 10559 Berlin
    Tel.: +44 (0) 030 – 34 79 300
    Fax: +44 (0) 030 – 347 93 029
    Web-site: http://www.botschaft-tadschikistan.de/
    E-mail: info@botschaft-tadschikistan.de
  4. Kingdom of Belgium
    Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary – Rustamjon Soliev
    Address: Boulevard General Jacques 16, 1050 Bruxelles
    Tel.: (322) 640 69 33
    Fax: (322) 649 01 95
    Web-site: http://www.tajikembassy.be/
    E-mail: info@tajemb.be
  5. Permanent representative of the Republic of Tajikistan to the UN
    Permanent Representative – Mahmadamin Mahmadaminov
    Address: 216 East 49th Street., New York, NY 10017
    Tel.: 1-212-207 33 15
    Fax: 1-212-207 38 55
    E-mail: tajikistanun@verizon.net
  6. Islamic Republic of Iran
    Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary – Nematullo Emomzoda
    Address: Niyovaron sq., Shahid Zainali Avenue., 3rd Street. 10, Tehran
    Tel.: (98-21) 229 95 84, 280 92 49
    Fax: (98-21) 280 92 99
    E-mail: tajemb-iran@tajikistanir.com
  7. Turkish Republic
    Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary – Sultonov Shuhrat Muzaffarovich
    Address: Ferit Recai Ertugrul Caddesi No:20, Diplomatik Site,ORAN-ANKARA, Ankara, Turkey
    Tel.: +(90-312) 491 16 07, 491 17 08
    Fax: +(90-312) 491 16 03
    E-mail: tajemb_turkey@inbox.ru
  8. People’s Republic of China
    Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary – Alimov Rashid Kutbiddinovich
    Address: No.LA 01-04, Liangmaqiao Diplomatic Compound, Beijing, 10060 China
    Tel.: (00 86)10-65 32 25 98
    Fax: (00 86)10-65 32 30 39
    Web-site: http://www.tajikembassychina.com/index_ru.asp
    E-mail: tjkemb@public2.bta.net.cn, tajikistanchina@yahoo.com
  9. Islamic State of Afghanistan
    Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary – Imomov Sharofiddin
    Address: Vazir Akbarkhon st.10, bld.#3, Kabul city
    Tel.: 8(10-93) 230 03 92, 210 10 80
    Fax: 8(10-93) 230 03 92
    E-mail: tajembaf@rambler.ru
  10. Tajikistan consulate in the city of Masori Sharif
    Address: Mazari sharif, Kortai Oriyono
    Tel.: (10-93) 799 44 83 01
    Fax: 8 (10-93) 70 51 92 88
    E-mail: krt_mazar@yahoo.com
  11. Islamic Republic of Pakistan
    Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary – Sherali Jononov
    Address: House# 295, Street# 35
    F 11/3, Islamabad 44000, Pakistan
    Tel.: (00 92) 051-229 34 62
    Fax: (00 92) 051-229 97 10
    Web-site: http://www.tajikembassy.pk
    E-mail: info@tajikembassy.pk
  12. Republic of India
    Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary – Mirzosharif Djalolov
    Address: E -12/6., Vasant Vihar, New Delhi – 110057
    Tel.: (91 11) 26 15 42 82
    Fax: (91 11) 26 15 42 82
    E-mail: tajembindia@gmail.com
  13. Russian Federation
    Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary – Imomuddin Mirzoyevich Sattorov
    Address: Alley of Granatniy 13, Moscow P.O.Box.:103001
    Tel.: +7 (495) 690-38-46, 690-41-86
    Fax: +7 (495) 691-89-98
    Web-site: http://www.tajembassy.ru/
    е-mail: tajembassymoscow@gmail.com
  14. Republic of Belarus
    Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary – Kozidavlat Koimdodovich Koimdodov
    Address: Zelenaya st.42, Jdanovichi, Minsk, Belarus, 230033
    Tel.: 017 549-01-83, 549-01-84
    Web-site: http://www.tajembassy.by/
    E-mail: tajembbel@gmail.com
  15. Republic of Kazakhstan
    Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary – Kholnazarov Bahrom Mahmadnazarovich
    Address: Marsovaya st.15, Chubari micro d/t , Astana
    Tel.: 8107(3172) 241315, 240929
    Fax: 8107(3172) 241315, 240929
    E-mail: embassy_tajic@mbox.kz
  16. Address: Sanatornaya st.16, Alma-Ata
    Tel.: 8107 (3272) 69 70 59
    Fax: 8107 (3272) 69 70 59
    E-mail: tajemb_almaty@ok.kz
  17. Republic of Turkmenistan
    Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary – Abdurakhim Ashur
    Address: Kurungan 19, Ashgabad
    Tel.: 810 (99312) 35 56 96, 39 34 31, 39 42 55
    Fax: 810 (99312) 39 31 74
    E-mail: tadjemb_tm@mail.ru
  18. Republic of Uzbekistan
    Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary – Muzaffar Huseynov
    Address: Kakhor st.6 top 61, Tashkent P.O.Box.:700090
    Tel.: (+998 71) 254 99 66, 254 84 13
    Fax: (+998 71) 254 89 69
    E-mail: tajembasy_uz@mail.ru
  19. Republic of Ukraine
    Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador – Sultonov Shukhrat Muzafarovich
    01014, Kiev, str. Piryatinsky, 4
    Tel.: (+380 44) 280 52 00, 280 0 86 85
    Fax: (+380 44) 280 42 60
    Web-site: http://www.tajemb.com.ua
    е-mail: infoukr@tajemb.com.ua
  20. Kyrgyz Republic
    Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary – Rahimov Olim Sobirovich
    Address: Kara-Darinskaya st. 36, Bishkek P.O.Box: 720031
    Tel.: + (996 312) 51 16 37, 51 25 87, 51 23 43
    Fax: 8109 (96 312) 51 14 64
    Web-site: http://www.tajikemb.kg/
    E-mail: tjemb@ktnet.kg
  21. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
    Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary – Kasymov Erkin Sadriddinovich
    Address:26-28 Hammersmith Grove, W6 7BA, London, United Kigndom
    Tel.: +44 (0) 208 834 10 03
    Web-site: http://www.tajembassy.org.uk/
    E-mail: info@tajembassy.org.uk
  22. Arab Republic of Egypt
    Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary – Nazarov Narzullo
    Address: 82 Street, Willa 19, Al-Maadi, Cairo;
    Tel./Fax: (202) 23783210 – 23803955;
    Web-site: www.tajikembassy-eg.org
    E-mail: emtaj.eg@rambler.ru, tajemb_eg@yahoo.com;
  23. Consulate general in Dubai
    General consoul – Nosirov Rahimjon
    Adress: 5 House, Street 4C, Safa 2, Dubai
    Tel.: +971 4 394 58 14, 394 58 15, 394 58 10
    Fax: +971 4 394 58 12
    E-mail: dubaitajcons@gmail.com

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