Tashkent - Uzbekistan, Taschkent ist die Hauptstadt von Usbekistan, Ташкент - столица Узбекистана, Tashkent is the Capital of Uzbekistan, Tachkent est la capitale de l'Ouzbékistan, Tashkent è la capitale dell'Uzbekistan, Diplomatisches Korps in Tashkent, Diplomatic Corps in Tashkent, Corps Diplomatique de Tachkent, Corpo diplomatico a Tashkent, Дипломатический корпус в Ташкенте, Diplomatische Vertretungen Usbekistans, Diplomatic missions of Uzbekistan, Missions diplomatiques de l'Ouzbékistan, Missioni diplomatiche dell'Uzbekistan, Дипломатические представительства Узбекистана

Diplomatisches Korps in Tashkent

Hier finden Sie diplomatisches Korps in Tashkent

Für weitere Informationen wenden Sie sich bitte an das Außenministerium der Republik Usbekistan.

  1. Islamic Republic of Afghanistan    
    Batumskaya str., cottage 1, Tashkent
    Tel.: +99871 2267380; +99871 2267390
    Fax: +99871 2266949
    E-Mail: afghanemb_tashkent@yahoo.com; tashkent@mfa.af
  2. People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria    
    Miroqilov str., 41, Tashkent
    Tel.: +99871 2815054; +99871 2815565
    Fax: +99871 1206180
    E-Mail: ambassade@algerie.uz
    Web: www.algerie.uz
  3. Republic of Azerbaijan    
    Shark Tongi str., 25, Tashkent
    Tel.: +99871 2078010
    Fax: +99871 2078009
    E-Mail: tashkent@mission.mfa.gov.az
    Web: www.tashkent.mfa.gov.az
  4. People’s Republic of Bangladesh
    H.Suleymanov str., 56-58, Tashkent
    Tel.: +99871 2556520; +99871 2551971
    Fax: +99871 1206711
    E-Mail: mission.tashkent@mofa.gov.bd
    Web: www.bangladeshembtashkent.uz
  5. Republic of Belarus    
    Y.Gulamov str., 75, Tashkent
    Tel.: +99871 1207511; +99871 1207256
    Fax: +99871 1207253
    E-Mail: uzbekistan@mfa.gov.by
    Web: www.uzbekistan.mfa.gov.by
  6. Republic of Bulgaria    
    Rakatboshi str., 52, Tashkent
    Tel.: +99871 2564888
    Fax: +99871 2554017
    E-Mail: Embassy.Tashkent@mfa.bg,
    Web: www.mfa.bg/embassies/uzbekistan
  7. People’s Republic of China    
    Y.Gulamov str., 79, Tashkent
    Tel.: +99871 2338088; +99871 2334735
    Fax: +99871 2360851
    E-Mail: chinaemb@albatros.uz; uz@mofcom.gov.cn
  8. Czech Republic 
    Navnihol str., 6, Tashkent
    Tel.: +99871 1206071
    Fax: +99871 1206075
    E-Mail: tashkent@mzv.cz
    Web: www.mzv.cz/tashkent
  9. Arab Republic of Egypt 
    Kokhinur str,, 10/53, Tashkent
    Tel.: +99871 1206021; +99871 1205008
    Fax: +99871 1205009
    E-Mail: egyptemb@rambler.ru
  10. The Delegation of the European Union
    Amir Temur str., 107 B, IBC 15th floor, Tashkent
    Tel.: +99871 1201601; +99871 1201602
    Fax: +99871 1201608
    E-Mail: delegation-uzbekistan@eeas.europa.eu
  11. Federal Republic of Germany 
    Sh.Rashidov str., 15, Tashkent
    Tel.: +99871 1208440
    Fax: +99871 1208450
    E-Mail: info@taschkent.diplo.de
    Web: www.taschkent.diplo.de
  12. French Republic    
    Istiqbol str., 25, Tashkent
    Tel.: +99871 2335382; +99871 2335384
    Fax: +99871 2335197
    E-Mail: cad.tachkent@diplomatie.gouv.fr; consulat.tachkent-amba@diplomatie.gouv.fr
    Web: www.ambafrance-uz.org
  13. Georgia 
    Firdavsiy str., 7, Tashkent
    Tel.: +99871 2358680
    Fax: +99871 2358680
    E-Mail: tashkent.emb@mfa.gov.ge
    Web: www.uzbekistan.mfa.gov.ge
  14. The Holy See (Vatican)    
    Musakhanov str., 80/1, Tashkent
    Tel.: +99871 2337035
    Fax: +99871 2337025
    E-Mail: nun.ap@mail.ru
  15. Hungary 
    Bogiravon str., 63-65, Tashkent
    Tel.: +99871 2307182; +99871 2307183
    Fax: +99871 2266502
    E-Mail: mission.tas@mfa.gov.hu
  16. Republic of India
    Kara-Bulak str., 15/16, Tashkent
    Tel.: +99871 1400997; +99871 1400983
    Fax: +99871 1400987; +99871 1400999
    E-MaiL: indiaemb@buzton.com; emb.tashkent@mea.gov.in
    Web: www.eoi.gov.in/tashkent/
  17. Republic of Indonesia    
    Y.Gulamov str., 73, Tashkent
    Tel.: +99871 2320236; +99871 2320237
    Fax: +99871 1206540; +99871 2330513
    E-Mail: unitkom@kbri-tashkent.go.id
    Web: www.kbri-tashkent.go.id
  18. Islamic Republic of Iran    
    Parkent str., 20, Tashkent
    Tel.: +99871 1506065; +99871 1506050
    Fax: +99871 1506066
    E-Mail: iriemuz@hotmail.com
    Web: www.tashkent.mfa.ir
  19. The State of Israel    
    A.Kahhar str., 3A, Tashkent
    Tel.: +99871 1205808; +99871 1205809; +99871 1205810; +99871 1205811
    Fax: +99871 1205994
    E-Mail: operator@tashkent.mfa.gov.il
    Web: www.tashkent.mfa.gov.il
  20. Italian Republic    
    Yusuf Khos Khojib str., 40, Tashkent
    Tel.: +99871 2521119; +99871 1206605
    Fax: +99871 1206606
    E-Mail: segreteria.tashkent@esteri.it
  21. Japan    
    S.Azimov str., 28, Tashkent
    Tel.: +99871 1208060
    Fax: +99871 1208075
    E-Mail: homepage@embjapan.buzton.com
    Web: www.uz.emb-japan.go.jp
  22. The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan    
    Farkhad str., 9, Tashkent
    Tel.: +99871 2742479; +99871 2742833
    Fax: +99871 1401144
    E-Mail: jordanembuzb@mail.ru
  23. Republic of Kazakhstan    
    Chekhov str., 23, Tashkent
    Tel.: +99871 2521654
    Fax: +99871 2521650
    E-Mail: info@kazembassy.uz
  24. Republic of Korea    
    Afrosiab avenue 7, Tashkent
    Tel.: +99871 2523151; +99871 2523152
    Fax: +99871 1400248
    E-Mail: admin1@korea.anet.uz
  25. State of Kuwait
    Batumskaya str. 2, Tashkent
    Tel.: +99871 1291037
    Fax: +99871 1291037
    E-Mail: kuw-uz@hotmail.com
  26. Kyrgyz Republic
    Niyozbek yuli str. 30, Tashkent
    Tel.: +99871 2374794
    Fax: +99871 1207294
    E-Mail: kg.embassy.uz@gmail.com
    Web: www.kgembassy.uz
  27. The Republic of Latvia    
    Lashkarbegi str. 16А, Tashkent
    Tel.: +99871 2372215; +99871 2370851
    Fax: +99871 1207036
    E-Mail: embassy.uzbekistan@mfa.gov.lv
    Web: www.latvia.uz
  28. Malaysia    
    Bog Saroy str. 28, Tashkent
    Tel.: +99871 2563027; +99871 2563299
    Fax: +99871 2523071
    E-Mail: maltskent@mail.ru
    Web: www.kln.gov.my
  29. Sultanate of Oman
    Mohlaroyim str. 49, Tashkent
    Tel.: +99871 1400533; +99871 2561207
    Fax: +99871 1400529
    E-Mail: tashkent@mofa.gov.om
  30. Islamic Republic of Pakistan    
    Kichik halka yo‘li str. 15, Tashkent
    Tel.: +99871 2280525; +99871 2482173
    Fax: +99871 1204921
    E-Mail: pareptashkent@gmail.com
  31. The State of Palestine
    Konstitutsiya str. 19, Tashkent
    Tel.: +99871 2549418; +99871 2156230
    Fax: +99871 2544148
    E-Mail: uz.palemb@gmail.com
  32. The Republic of Poland
    Firdavsiy str. 66, Tashkent
    Tel.: +99871 1208650; +99871 1208652
    Fax: +99871 1208651
    E-Mail: taszent.amb.sekretariat@msz.gov.pl; uztasamb@msz.gov.pl
    Web: www.taszkent.polemb.net
  33. Russian Federation    
    Nukus str. 83, Tashkent
    Tel.: +99871 1203502; +99871 1203504
    Fex: +99871 1203509; +99871 1203518
    E-Mail: embassy@russia.uz; consul@russia.uz
    Web: www.russia.uz
  34. Romania
    Redjametova str. 44A, Tashkent
    Tel.: +99871 2526355; +99871 2526888
    Fax: +99871 1207567
    E-Mail: romanian_embassy@sarkor.uz
  35. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
    Babur str. 3A, Tashkent
    Tel.: +99871 2815101; +99871 2815104
    Fax:    +99871 2815106; +99871 2815108
    Web: mail.mofa.gov.sa/exchange
  36. Slovak Republic
    Kichik Beshyogoch str. 38, Tashkent
    Tel.: +99871 1206852; +99871 2555565
    Fax: +99871 1206851
    E-Mail: emb.tashkent@mzv.sk
    Web: www.mzv.sk/tashkent
  37. Republic of Tajikistan
    A.Kakhar str. 61, Tashkent
    Tel.: +99871 2156775; +99871 2549966
    Fax: +99871 2548969
    E-Mail: tajembuz@mfa.tj
  38. Republic of Turkey
    Ya.Gulamov str. 87, Tashkent
    Tel.: +99871 1130300; +99871 1130343
    Fax: +99871 1130333
    E-Mail: embassy.tashkent@mfa.gov.tr; turemb@bcc.com.uz
  39. Turkmenistan
    Afrosiab avenue 19, Tashkent
    Tel.: +99871 2569402; +99871 2569406
    Fax: +99871 2569403
    E-Mail: tmtashkent@gmail.com
  40. Ukraine
    Y.Gulamov str. 68, Tashkent
    Tel.: +99871 2335280; +99871 2339971
    Fax: +99871 2331089
    E-Mail: ukremb@albatros.uz; emb_uz@mfa.gov.ua
    Web: www.mfa.gov.ua/uzbekistan
  41. Swiss Confederation    
    Shota Rustaveli str. 1/4, Tashkent
    Tel.: +99871 1206738; +99871 1206740
    Fax: +99871 1206259; +99871 1205456
    E-Mail: tas.vertretung@eda.admin.ch; tas.visa@eda.admin.ch (visa)
    Web: www.eda.admin.ch/tashkent
  42. The United Arab Emirates
    Ispanskaya str. 38, Tashkent
    Tel.: +99871 1400007; +99871 1401116
    Fax: +99871 1401113
    E-Mail: uaeembassyuz@yahoo.com
  43. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
    Y.Gulamov str. 67, Tashkent
    Tel.: +99871 1201500
    Fax: +99871 1201520
    E-Mail: ukin.uzbekistan@fco.gov.uk
    Web: www.gov.uk/government/world/uzbekistan
  44. United States of America
    Maykurgan str. 3, Tashkent
    Tel.: +99871 1205450
    Fax: +99871 1402124
    Web: www.uzbekistan.usembassy.gov
  45. The Socialist Republic of Vietnam    
    Sh.Rashidov str. 100, Tashkent
    Tel.: +99871 2356493; +99871 2358672
    Fax: +99871 1206265
    E-Mail: vnemb.uzbek@yahoo.com; vnemb.uz@mofa.gov.vn
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