Tajikistan, Geschichte Tadschikistans zwischen 1991-1996, Diplomatisches Korps in Dushanbe, Diplomatic Corps in Dushanbe, Corps Diplomatique de Douchanbé, Corpo diplomatico a Dushanbe, Дипломатический корпус в Душанбе, Diplomatische Vertretungen Tadschikistans, Diplomatic missions of Tajikistan, Missions diplomatiques du Tadjikistan, Missioni diplomatiche del Tagikistan, Дипломатические представительства Таджикистана, History of Tajikistan between 1991-1996, Histoire du Tadjikistan 1991-1996, Storia del Tagikistan tra il 1991-1996, История Таджикистана в 1991-1996 годах

Diplomatic missions of Tajikistan

Here you can find the diplomatic missions of Tajikistan abroad.

For further information please contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan.

  1. The United States of America
    Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary – Farhod Salim
    Address: 1005 New Hampshire Avenue, NW Washington, D.C., 20037
    Tel.: (1202) 223 60 90
    Fax: (1202) 223 60 91
    Web-site: http://www.tjus.org/
    E-mail: tajikistan@verizon.net
  2. Austrian Republic
    Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary – Ismatullo Nasredinov
    Address: Universitatstr. 8/1a, 1090 Vienna, Austria
    Tel.: (+43-1) 409 82 66
    Fax: (+43-1) 409 82 66 14 , 409 82 66 21
    Web-site: http://tajikembassy.at/
    E-mail: tajikembassy@chello.at
  3. Federal Republic of Germany
    Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary – Sattorov Imomudin Mirzoevich
    Address: Perlebergerstr. 43, 10559 Berlin
    Tel.: +44 (0) 030 – 34 79 300
    Fax: +44 (0) 030 – 347 93 029
    Web-site: http://www.botschaft-tadschikistan.de/
    E-mail: info@botschaft-tadschikistan.de
  4. Kingdom of Belgium
    Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary – Rustamjon Soliev
    Address: Boulevard General Jacques 16, 1050 Bruxelles
    Tel.: (322) 640 69 33
    Fax: (322) 649 01 95
    Web-site: http://www.tajikembassy.be/
    E-mail: info@tajemb.be
  5. Permanent representative of the Republic of Tajikistan to the UN
    Permanent Representative – Mahmadamin Mahmadaminov
    Address: 216 East 49th Street., New York, NY 10017
    Tel.: 1-212-207 33 15
    Fax: 1-212-207 38 55
    E-mail: tajikistanun@verizon.net
  6. Islamic Republic of Iran
    Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary – Nematullo Emomzoda
    Address: Niyovaron sq., Shahid Zainali Avenue., 3rd Street. 10, Tehran
    Tel.: (98-21) 229 95 84, 280 92 49
    Fax: (98-21) 280 92 99
    E-mail: tajemb-iran@tajikistanir.com
  7. Turkish Republic
    Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary – Sultonov Shuhrat Muzaffarovich
    Address: Ferit Recai Ertugrul Caddesi No:20, Diplomatik Site,ORAN-ANKARA, Ankara, Turkey
    Tel.: +(90-312) 491 16 07, 491 17 08
    Fax: +(90-312) 491 16 03
    E-mail: tajemb_turkey@inbox.ru
  8. People’s Republic of China
    Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary – Alimov Rashid Kutbiddinovich
    Address: No.LA 01-04, Liangmaqiao Diplomatic Compound, Beijing, 10060 China
    Tel.: (00 86)10-65 32 25 98
    Fax: (00 86)10-65 32 30 39
    Web-site: http://www.tajikembassychina.com/index_ru.asp
    E-mail: tjkemb@public2.bta.net.cn, tajikistanchina@yahoo.com
  9. Islamic State of Afghanistan
    Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary – Imomov Sharofiddin
    Address: Vazir Akbarkhon st.10, bld.#3, Kabul city
    Tel.: 8(10-93) 230 03 92, 210 10 80
    Fax: 8(10-93) 230 03 92
    E-mail: tajembaf@rambler.ru
  10. Tajikistan consulate in the city of Masori Sharif
    Address: Mazari sharif, Kortai Oriyono
    Tel.: (10-93) 799 44 83 01
    Fax: 8 (10-93) 70 51 92 88
    E-mail: krt_mazar@yahoo.com
  11. Islamic Republic of Pakistan
    Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary – Sherali Jononov
    Address: House# 295, Street# 35
    F 11/3, Islamabad 44000, Pakistan
    Tel.: (00 92) 051-229 34 62
    Fax: (00 92) 051-229 97 10
    Web-site: http://www.tajikembassy.pk
    E-mail: info@tajikembassy.pk
  12. Republic of India
    Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary – Mirzosharif Djalolov
    Address: E -12/6., Vasant Vihar, New Delhi – 110057
    Tel.: (91 11) 26 15 42 82
    Fax: (91 11) 26 15 42 82
    E-mail: tajembindia@gmail.com
  13. Russian Federation
    Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary – Imomuddin Mirzoyevich Sattorov
    Address: Alley of Granatniy 13, Moscow P.O.Box.:103001
    Tel.: +7 (495) 690-38-46, 690-41-86
    Fax: +7 (495) 691-89-98
    Web-site: http://www.tajembassy.ru/
    е-mail: tajembassymoscow@gmail.com
  14. Republic of Belarus
    Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary – Kozidavlat Koimdodovich Koimdodov
    Address: Zelenaya st.42, Jdanovichi, Minsk, Belarus, 230033
    Tel.: 017 549-01-83, 549-01-84
    Web-site: http://www.tajembassy.by/
    E-mail: tajembbel@gmail.com
  15. Republic of Kazakhstan
    Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary – Kholnazarov Bahrom Mahmadnazarovich
    Address: Marsovaya st.15, Chubari micro d/t , Astana
    Tel.: 8107(3172) 241315, 240929
    Fax: 8107(3172) 241315, 240929
    E-mail: embassy_tajic@mbox.kz
  16. Address: Sanatornaya st.16, Alma-Ata
    Tel.: 8107 (3272) 69 70 59
    Fax: 8107 (3272) 69 70 59
    E-mail: tajemb_almaty@ok.kz
  17. Republic of Turkmenistan
    Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary – Abdurakhim Ashur
    Address: Kurungan 19, Ashgabad
    Tel.: 810 (99312) 35 56 96, 39 34 31, 39 42 55
    Fax: 810 (99312) 39 31 74
    E-mail: tadjemb_tm@mail.ru
  18. Republic of Uzbekistan
    Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary – Muzaffar Huseynov
    Address: Kakhor st.6 top 61, Tashkent P.O.Box.:700090
    Tel.: (+998 71) 254 99 66, 254 84 13
    Fax: (+998 71) 254 89 69
    E-mail: tajembasy_uz@mail.ru
  19. Republic of Ukraine
    Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador – Sultonov Shukhrat Muzafarovich
    01014, Kiev, str. Piryatinsky, 4
    Tel.: (+380 44) 280 52 00, 280 0 86 85
    Fax: (+380 44) 280 42 60
    Web-site: http://www.tajemb.com.ua
    е-mail: infoukr@tajemb.com.ua
  20. Kyrgyz Republic
    Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary – Rahimov Olim Sobirovich
    Address: Kara-Darinskaya st. 36, Bishkek P.O.Box: 720031
    Tel.: + (996 312) 51 16 37, 51 25 87, 51 23 43
    Fax: 8109 (96 312) 51 14 64
    Web-site: http://www.tajikemb.kg/
    E-mail: tjemb@ktnet.kg
  21. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
    Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary – Kasymov Erkin Sadriddinovich
    Address:26-28 Hammersmith Grove, W6 7BA, London, United Kigndom
    Tel.: +44 (0) 208 834 10 03
    Web-site: http://www.tajembassy.org.uk/
    E-mail: info@tajembassy.org.uk
  22. Arab Republic of Egypt
    Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary – Nazarov Narzullo
    Address: 82 Street, Willa 19, Al-Maadi, Cairo;
    Tel./Fax: (202) 23783210 – 23803955;
    Web-site: www.tajikembassy-eg.org
    E-mail: emtaj.eg@rambler.ru, tajemb_eg@yahoo.com;
  23. Consulate general in Dubai
    General consoul – Nosirov Rahimjon
    Adress: 5 House, Street 4C, Safa 2, Dubai
    Tel.: +971 4 394 58 14, 394 58 15, 394 58 10
    Fax: +971 4 394 58 12
    E-mail: dubaitajcons@gmail.com
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