Feiertage in Usbekistan, Die Feiertage in Usbekistan, Holidays in Uzbekistan, Jours fériés en Ouzbékistan, Le vacanza in Uzbekistan, Праздничные дни в Узбекистане

Holidays in Uzbekistan

Holidays in Uzbekistan: an overview of cultural traditions and national festivities

14 January – National Army Day in Uzbekistan
The day will be celebrated in independent Uzbekistan in honour of the establishment of its own armed forces. On 14 January 1992 the Parliament of the Republic of Uzbekistan adopted the decision to place all units and units, military training institutes and other military formations stationed in the country under the authority of the Republic of Uzbekistan. This was the beginning of the establishment of the country’s own armed forces. On 29 December 1993, 14 January was declared the Day of the Defenders of the Motherland.

8 March is International Women’s Day.
In Uzbekistan, this holiday is celebrated as a holiday of love, tenderness and beauty and is also known as “Mama’s Day”.

21 March – Navruz
The old popular holiday of Navruz (in Farsi Navruz means “New Day”) is celebrated on 21 March and is considered the beginning of the new year. The 21st of March is known as the day of the beginning of spring. The duration of day and night is exactly the same on this day – 12 hours. On the eve of this holiday many Uzbek families prepare national dishes such as Sumalak, Halim, Kuk Somsa, Palov and others. These dishes contain many vitamin substances useful for the human body.

With the independence of the country, old customs and traditions of the Uzbek people have been revived, also the Navruz festival has been reintroduced and the festival has taken on a new meaning and intensity. It has become a bank holiday of friendship, unity and brotherhood of all peoples. The lively theatrical performances show the philosophical and poetic reflection of Navruz and its place in popular history. Today Navruz is celebrated every year.

The 9 May is the day of commemoration and honour.
On May 9, 1999 the monumental memorial square in the capital of Uzbekistan was opened and since then the Day of Remembrance and Honour is celebrated on May 9. This holiday is commemorated in honour of the memory of our compatriots, who for centuries have been heroic and defended the homeland, its freedom and independence, the peaceful life of our people. This holiday is also considered a day of respect for the man.

1 September – Independence Day
The main bank holiday of the Republic of Uzbekistan is Independence Day. This holiday is celebrated solemnly and in a special way every year on September 1. The National Day embodies all the dreams and expectations of the entire Uzbek people based on the basic principles of friendship, solidarity, charity and mutual respect.

The representatives of the different nations living in Uzbekistan, despite their ethnic background, religion and social status, actively celebrate the holiday in every street, square and region.

1 October – Teachers and Mentors Day
Every year in Uzbekistan the Teachers’ and Mentors’ Day is celebrated. The deep respect for teachers has been deeply rooted in our region for ages. “Domlo”, “Muallim”, “Ustoz” – these words have been expressed with gratitude and veneration by students for centuries, who received from their teachers not only knowledge about academic disciplines, but also instructions about respect for people, love for the fatherland, high morals and humanity.

The students of schools and educational institutions deeply respect all those who gave them the first knowledge about life. On this day the pupils gratefully present flowers and gifts, make sincere confessions for their hard work in life.

8 December – Constitution Day
The Constitution was adopted by Parliament on 8 December 1992. This holiday is celebrated throughout Uzbekistan.

Ramadan Hayit
This holiday is known as Ramadan Hayit (Eid) and coincides with the 9th month (Hijri) of the Muslim calendar. The holiday includes a religious fasting that lasts 30 days and is considered a ritual of spiritual and mental purification. The conditions of the fast are as follows: to abstain from food and water from sunrise to sunset; to stay away from bad thoughts and ideas; to be in mutual respect with all others and to do as much good as possible to others.

After this ritual has been performed, on the last day the three-day Ramadan Hayit festival is celebrated. The first day of Ramadan Hayit is not considered a working day.

Kurban Hayit
The religious holiday Kurban Hayit (Feast of Sacrifice) is one of the biggest holidays in the world celebrated by Muslims. The sources of this holiday are the ancient stories connected with the prophet Ibrahim, who wanted to sacrifice his own son to Allah in the name of faith, but by his actions stopped the good spirits and instead ordered him to sacrifice animals such as sheep, camels, etc. The holiday lasts three days, and on these days all Muslims celebrate this holiday with their families and relatives. Especially on these holidays people visit their relatives and friends, but also the sick and needy. The first day of Kurban Hayit is not considered a working day.

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